Tell Your Legislators to Support Farmers who Want Renewables

Renewable energy provides a needed source of revenue for farmers, giving them the option to use their land for solar or wind if they choose.

But local NIMBY (Not-in-My-Backyard) activists stop at nothing to take that opportunity away from farmers, DESPITE the fact that an overwhelming majority of Hoosiers (81%) support a farmer’s right to do what they want with their land.

It’s urgent you act – every renewable energy project that doesn’t get off the ground is lost income for Hoosier farmers!

Tell legislators to support financial benefits for Indiana counties that volunteer to become “Renewable-Ready.” This support will protect a farmer’s right to use their land as they see fit.

The legislature came close to enacting this support for Hoosier counties in 2022 but were stopped by NIMBY activists and renewable energy opponents, who didn’t care they were stripping away property rights from farmers.

Tell your legislators to support Hoosier farmers and their property rights.

Legislative Background

Last year, the legislature didn’t finish their job, failing to authorize the financial incentives that go along with certifying counties as renewable-energy-ready. It was widely reported that part of establishing standards and certifying your county as Renewable-Ready would open up access to increased funds from renewable energy projects. By only establishing standards, and not providing pathways for counties to access increased funds, it is easier for NIMBY activists to erect lasting roadblocks to economy-boosting renewable energy developments.

What Happened

In early 2022 the legislature passed Senate Bill 411 which creates voluntary renewable-ready zones, setting forth reasonable standards and protections to make counties renewable-ready for wind and solar energy. However, opponents stripped out the financial benefits for counties that choose to become renewable-ready, making the legislation largely symbolic.

What’s Needed

The legislature needs to finish the job. If rural communities in Indiana are to prosper, symbolic half-measures won’t cut it. The legislature should put back the financial benefits that would go to counties who volunteer to become renewable-ready.

Failing to support Hoosier Counties who want to responsibly develop renewables holds Indiana’s economy back and hurts Hoosier families.

We support

Allowing Hoosier counties to voluntarily choose to become renewable-ready.

Financial benefits that go to the counties who volunteer to become renewable-ready. These benefits would go to the counties – NOT renewable energy companies.

It’s not just us:

Renewable energy districts have been supported by the Indiana Farm Bureau, the Indiana Association of County Commissioners, the Indiana Chamber of Commerce and many more. 

How Renewables Make Indiana’s Economy Stronger

Homegrown sources of energy we make right here in Indiana help us become more energy independent and less reliant on foreign sources of fuel.

Energy Independence

Renewables provide a new and stable source of revenue for farmers, giving them the option to use their land for wind or solar if they choose. Payments to private landowners from renewables totaled $26.2 million in 2022.

Revenue for farmers

Renewables strengthen Hoosier communities through private sector economic development payments and revenue that helps fund schools, first responders, community centers and highspeed internet. To date renewable energy companies have invested $8 billion in local projects and economies. Clean power projects paid $26.7 million in property, state and local taxes in 2022 alone.

Funds for community services

Renewables deliver job growth. Clean Jobs Midwest reports that clean energy companies employed more than 86,000 Hoosiers at the end of 2021 – a seven percent boost over the prior year. Job growth in clean energy is twice the speed of the overall economy. There are now over 11,000 Hoosiers in the renewable space alone.
